Missoula Catholic Schools

Living the charisms of the Jesuits and Sisters of Providence, Missoula Catholic Schools is compelled through Christ’s love to serve Western Montana families by providing an excellent Catholic education while forming young people of compassion, conscience, competence, and community.

Missoula Catholic Schools and academic excellence are synonymous.  An education from Missoula Catholic Schools embraces Gospel values and provides a well-rounded education experience beginning with our thriving Early Education Program and culminating with an excellent high school and college prep curriculum.  Both St. Joseph and Loyola Sacred Heart provide strong activities programs and community service opportunities.


Thomas Noonan, Ph.D

President, MCS & Foundation

Lisa VanCanagan, CPA

Controller Missoula Catholic Schools

Paul Richardson, M.Ed

Principal Loyola Sacred Heart High School,  SJS Interim Principal

Kelli Matheny

SJS Interim Assistant Principal

President’s Welcome Statement

Greetings Missoula Catholic Schools & Foundation Community…

I am immensely humbled and honored to be given the blessing and responsibility of serving, in a comprehensive way, Missoula Catholic Schools, Foundation, and community. I look forward to continuing to foster the rich tradition of these Schools in dedicated service to the Gospel, as well as serving all alumni, benefactors, and friends through the stewardship of time, talent, and treasure in support of these educational ministries.

As my tenure begins, it is already clear to me that Missoula Catholic Schools – including both campuses, St. Joseph Elementary and Middle School, and Loyola Sacred Heart High School – is indeed a special place, and all within are deeply committed to the formation of young women and men of compassion, conscience, competence, and community. Together, we will continue to build on the traditions initially begun in 1874 in order to meet the holistic educational needs of the next 150 years.

If you are interested in being a part of Missoula Catholic Schools in any way, as a prospective student/family or as a supporter of our work, please do not hesitate to reach out via the Foundation contact information provided at the bottom of our web page.

It is indeed a blessing to be the servant leader of this extraordinary community, and may our labors ahead be grounded in the teaching of St. Ignatius of Loyola who tells us that we should always be guided by the call to praise, reverence, and serve the Lord.

Dr. Tom Noonan
Missoula Catholic Schools & Foundation

School Board

The Missoula Catholic School (MCS) Board is a school board, and shall act under the administrative jurisdiction of the Diocese of Helena School Office.  The MCS Board is responsible for the general operations of the MCS system and the Board.  To that end, the Board shall develop, formulate, and enact policies that guide the general operations of the MCS system and policies that guide the general operations of the Board.  The Board’s responsibility for the general operations of the MCS system includes financial oversight.  Board policies will be implemented by MCS Administration. Such policies shall give general direction for the administration, staff, parents, and students and will be compatible with Diocesan policy.  Any recommended changes in policy are to be submitted to the review and approval of the Bishop through the Superintendent.  Board policies shall cover those areas in which the Board has responsibility including:

  1. Planning
  2. Finance
  3. Marketing and Public Relations
  4. Secular Curriculum and Assessments
  5. Personnel

If you would like to directly contact the MCS School Board please do so by emailing at mcsboard@mcsmt.org.

Statement Of Expectations For The MCS President



Click on the below board members to read their bios:

Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members:

  • Paul Richardson, LSH  Principal/Leadership Team
  • Lisa VanCanagan, MCS Controller/Leadership Team
  • Jen Haffey, LSH Front Office

Regular Voting Members:

  • Tyler Gilman , Chair (TERM EXPIRES 2025)
  • Carolyn McLeod, Vice Chair (TERM EXPIRES 2024), LSH ’92
  • Jim McGowan (TERM EXPIRES 2025), LSH ’90
  • Heather Grutcsh, (TERM EXPIRES 2025), LSH ’01
  • Nick Griel, (TERM EXPIRES 2025), LSH ’01
  • Michael Knotts
  • Erin Horner
  • Jake Fuller

Ex-Officio Voting Members:

Board Minutes

MCS Board Meeting Minutes 2023-24