Living the charisms of the Jesuits and Sisters of Providence, Missoula Catholic Schools is compelled through Christ’s love to serve Western Montana families by providing an excellent Catholic education while forming young people of compassion, conscience, competence, and community.


St. Joseph Catholic School affirms our mission to be a faith-based, academic community.  We are dedicated to providing the tools with which all students persevere to become caring, mindful, intelligent and faithful individuals.  We aim to form life-long learners inspired by an Ignatian approach ready to meet the challenges of vocation with vision and responsibility.   

We are committed to meeting students where they are and guiding their formation through compassion, conscience, competence and community.  As a partner school of Loyola Sacred Heart, a Jesuit endorsed Catholic High School, we are led by Ignatian values.  We offer comprehensive and challenging educational opportunities for all in mind, body and spirit.  In partnership with families we provide a curriculum that meets academic standards and is grounded in Catholic values while seeing God in all things.  We are inspired by the Magis (The More) to encourage students to go beyond the minimum expectation including academics, spirituality, and service to others. 

 The history of Missoula Catholic Schools started in 1863 with the Sisters of Providence.  We use what the Sisters taught us to welcome all to our community of faith and education no matter the background. 


MCS Finance and Business Operations Policy

MCS Parent Student Policy Handbook

MCS Positive Resolution Procedure

MCS Conflict of Interest Policy

MCS Positive Resolutions Form

SJS Dress Code



St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School strives to be a faith community as well as an academic one. It is dedicated to providing the tools with which all students can reach full maturity as caring, intelligent and faith-filled individuals, ready to meet the challenges of vocation and life-long learning with vision and responsibility.


Students are encouraged to actively embrace their faith commitment through community outreach and service to others, within and through their faith community, as well as to nurture to fullness an ever developing relationship between God, neighbor and self.


Daily prayer is an important part of each day at SJS. Students in each classroom begin and end their day with prayer. Wednesday morning of each week, the entire SJS School meets for a school wide prayer, conducted by individual classrooms. Masses are offered on a monthly basis with the priests from the local Missoula parishes. Please see Mass schedule.


Throughout the course of the academic year, SJS students reach out to help the Missoula Community in several ways. Beginning with the University of Montana Homecoming Parade, SJS families and students conduct a food drive along the parade route in conjunction with their float. The canned goods are donated to local food banks and the Poverello Center. At Thanksgiving, each class “adopts” a needy family and collects and delivers not only a Thanksgiving meal, but reaches out and gives from their hearts to “their” family. The students also sponsor “Senior Friend Day”, an annual musical program and reception performed by the students in honor of all our senior citizens in Missoula. The grade school students provide entertainment and a loving respect and appreciation for Missoula’s “seasoned” friends.


Missoula Catholic Schools offer a number of co-curricular activities. These activities range from sports to a number of clubs and social organizations. While the organizations differ at each school, they serve to enhance the student’s overall academic and social growth. Some of the activities are listed below: Please look at both the Athletics and Activities & Policies for the latest sports schedules and activities.

Sports Participation Paperwork

Emergency Contact Form

MHSA Physical Form

Concussion Statement Form

St. Joseph Elementary and Middle School Activities: