SJS School Tool Box

Click here to buy your prepackaged school supplies for the 2024-25 school year. Each supply box matches your teacher’s approved list. You can add extras or remove what you don’t need. Supplies are shipped directly to your home address.

Grizzly Disposal

Grizzly Disposal has a special opportunity for our school! Sign up for their service under MCS and for each garbage can, the school will receive $5 per can per month. IF we get 100 people to sign up – that’s $6,000 per year to our schools.
They will create a special MCS can in our colors with our MCS logo.
Fundraising and Marketing all in one!
No commitment necessary at this time, just need your name and number. Grizzly Disposal will contact you.
Please contact Casey Hart at or 406-370-3775 (text or call)

– If you are already a Grizzly Disposal Customer, you pay just $10 more per quarter than your current bill.

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