Volunteer Information

Missoula Catholic Schools Family Volunteer Service Hours

In an effort to reduce the operational costs of the schools and increase the fundraising capacity of our Foundation, MCS requires 20 hours of parental service each school year (10 hours for single parent families). 10 hours of fundraising and 10 hours of school service are requested.

Please note that community gatherings initiated by parents, such as team dinners, are not eligible as Service Hours.

You must fill out a Family Volunteer Service Hours Form, have it signed by a school administrator and turn it in each month. All forms are due by May 31st. Any incomplete service hours will be billed through FACTS and invoiced in June at a rate of $20 for each unfulfilled hour.

Family Volunteer Service Hours Opt Out

Families will have the option to opt out of their service hours. Forms for this purpose are available here or at the SJS and LSH offices. Families choosing to opt out will be asked to contribute $20 per hour of service they wish to forgo, with the funds being directed to the St. Joseph Fund.

Certifications Required for Volunteers

All volunteers completing their service hours in Missoula Catholic Schools or at school events must complete the VIRTUS Safe Environment Training. Please see this VIRTUS Registration Process information for details on how to register.

If you will be driving students for a field trip or other school sponsored event, you must complete the CMG Connect Defensive Driving Curriculum. You will also need to give the SJS or LSH Front Office a copy of your driver’s license and current insurance for the vehicle you will be using.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer opportunities are listed by month. The location of the service hours is listed in parenthesis. Your student’s teachers may have other volunteer tasks available in their classrooms, for field trips, etc. so please check their weekly emails for any opportunities there.
*Please note: MCS does not keep track of your volunteer hours when signing up on online platforms. You must fill out Family Service Hour Forms and turn them in to the SJS, LSH, or Foundation office for approval.

SJS – St. Joseph School 503 Edith St.
LSH – Loyola Sacred Heart: 320 Edith St.
Foundation: 300 Edith St.
RAC – Sister Rita Mudd Activity Center: 1040 S 1st St W.
Rollins Field: 1040 S 1st St W.
BC – Bargain Corner: 1040 S 1st St. W

Ongoing Opportunities:
– Fall Sports (RAC) Fall Sports Volunteers
– Jogathon (SJS/RF) Jogathon Volunteer Sign-Up
– Bargain Corner (BC)
– SJS Recess/Lunch Monitor (SJS) Lunch/Recess Volunteer Sign-up
– SJS Odd Jobs (SJS) SJS Odd Job Volunteer Board

– Used Uniform Sale (SJS) St. Joseph School: Used Uniform Sale Volunteers

– Jog-A-Thon (SJS/RF) Jogathon Volunteer Sign-Up

– Red Ribbon Week (SJS)
– Halloween Assembly (SJS) Halloween Assembly Volunteer Sign-Up

– Thanksgiving Food Drive (SJS) – Sign-up available in October
– Parent/Teacher Conference Meal Train (SJS)

– Christmas Stations (SJS)

– Catholic Schools Week (SJS/LSH)

– Parent/Teacher Conference Meal Train (SJS)

– BASH Family Fun Night (Foundation/RAC)
– BASH Gala (Foundation)
– Father/Daughter Dance (SJS)
– Mother/Son Dodgeball (SJS)

– Field Day (SJS)
– 8th Grade Graduation Breakfast (SJS)
– 8th Grade Graduation Dance (SJS)