LSH Campus Ministry



Loyola Sacred Heart Catholic High School strives to be a community of faith, as well as an institution of academic excellence. Although many students attending LSH are not Catholic, all students attend all liturgies in support of the Catholic Faith, practices, and rituals.  Students are encouraged to actively embrace their faith commitment through community outreach and service to others, within and through their church and faith life. Loyola Sacred Heart is predicated upon the belief that its students come to understand and appreciate the fullness of an ever-developing relationship between God, neighbor and self. In this light, prayer and reflection are an important part of each day at LSH. Daily and monthly Masses are offered for the students and faculty.


All students are required to participate in a LSH Focus Group on a weekly basis. Within a small group, the focus group spawns the development of building positive relationships, working on academic, spiritual and personal goals, and developing ways to serve the community in socially responsible fashion. The group enhances the students’ individual growth and evaluates their progress spiritually, physically, mentally, and socially, which fits well within the mission statement of Loyola Sacred Heart Catholic High School. A professional staff member guides each group.


VISION (Volunteer In Service In Our Neighborhood) is a community service program initiated at Loyola Sacred Heart in the 1970′s. Participation in community service programs (visits to and/or volunteer work at nursing homes, shelters, food pantries, etc.) enhances the standard program of the school and is required for all LSH students. All students are required to complete their assigned VISION hours each year, with a graduation requirement of 100 hours for their four years in school. Freshmen are required to have 10 VISION hours per year, sophomores – 20 hours; juniors – 30 hours; and seniors are required to have 40 VISION hours.


Each student also attends a class retreat at least once per year. The retreats focus on student spiritual life and implementation of their vision toward a better tomorrow.



Students at LSH have the annual opportunity over Spring Break to join a school-led international trip. In the 2023-24 school year students traveled to Costa Rica. For information about the 2024-25 trip to Iceland, check out the upcoming meeting on April 25!